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Ask HN: Good "about us" pages? Looking for design inspiration
16 points by jfi on Oct 22, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Advice and/or examples are appreciated.




An about page I did: http://www.votereports.org/about

Not an about page but the layout could easily be done like an about page: http://grainandgram.com/

By far my favorite due to the style of the photos: http://mckinney.com/us


I also like: http://www.steinway.com/about/

More minimal but extremely functional: http://grandpeople.no/about/

Spotify has a great one: http://www.spotify.com/uk/about/features/

These all seem awfully "artsy". Not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just used to.. slightly more minimalist about pages.

The first thing is think about who your audience is and what kind of connection they are trying to make with you when they view your about page. An about page for a startup, a freelancer, a blog, etc will all have different audiences and different goals.

If you are a startup, your audience will likely be potential and current customers, journalists with press inquiries, and possibly people looking to fund you. They will want to know why they should use your product, what makes your company/product unique, who are the people behind it, etc.

I'm currently redoing my own about page, and have gathered a few helpful links:

For startups: http://www.readwriteweb.com/start/2010/08/what-does-your-abo...

For freelancers, but contains some great general tips too: http://www.onextrapixel.com/2010/09/06/how-to-write-an-effec...

Good general tips: http://sixrevisions.com/content-strategy/about-page-guidelin...

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