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What is the Infinite Polygon Engine?

Before Demis Hassabis was a master of AI hype he was a master of video game hype. The misleadingly named Infinite Polygon engine was one over hyped aspect of the over hyped and much delayed game Republic the Revolution. I think it actually turned out an ok game but is a notorious example of over promising and under delivering in the games industry.

I remember reading about the Infinite Polygon Engine in Edge (UK video games mag).

Pleasantly described as twaddle on Eurogamer in 2003. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/r_republic_pc

Still disappointed!

Interesting. Thanks!

There is so little information about the Infinite Polygon Engine that my comment above is now the #1 Google search result for "Infinite Polygon Engine" (with quotes), even above that Eurogamer article. Without quotes, my comment is only #2. :)

Here's Demis hyping up the AI (plus ca change...) to IGN: http://m.ca.ign.com/articles/2001/05/17/republic-the-revolut...

Compare these claims to the game as reviewed when it finally shipped some 2 years later. It probably did do some reasonably clever and even innovative things but it never really lived up to the hype.

He's a smart guy but his real genius appears to be drumming up breathless and relatively unskeptical media coverage, something else he probably learned from Peter Molyneux who also made a career out of some genuinely innovative games that nonetheless rarely quite lived up to the extravagant claims made about them years before they shipped.

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