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This is correct. Yesterday I was downvoted for defending Alex Jones' right to free speech, and today I will be downvoted for defending Google from overzealous Republicans.


Just downvoted? Not provided strange arguments like "Right to free speech is not right free reach" or Google/FB/Apple/Twitter are private companies and do not owe anything to whom they don't like?

I know you’re kidding and this is funny, because corporations couldn’t even exist without the state passing statutes allowing incorporation.

Yes. For those who want a good read on history, check this out "Divided We Stand". (author is an establishment, mainstream historian of Congress.) https://democracyjournal.org/magazine/50/divided-we-stand/


reads the constitution. Fails to find the part where you have a right NOT to be downvoted.


Those two situations are completely and utterly different. Apples and lug wrenches, as it were.

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