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For those that care, the core of linkerd 2.0 is in Rust


Also, a lot of the work on Tokio [1], Tower [2], and the Rust HTTP/2.0 implementation [3] is being driven by linkerd 2.0 (and sponsored by Buoyant).

[1]: http://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio [2]: http://github.com/tower-rs/tower [3]: https://github.com/carllerche/h2

Why do you call that core, only the sidecar is written in Rust all the rest is Go I think.

Do you know why they migrated from Scala?

A JVM attached as a sidecar to each pod is a waste of resources.

Garbage collection isn't great for a high performance proxy.

Exactly! We considered Go briefly but in the end, the magic intersection of native-code performance, plus guaranteed memory safety, trumped every other concern for the data plane.

Is there a significant demonstrable performance difference between Linkerd 2 and Envoy as a result?

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