Performance is bad on firefox but on chrome it worked fine. As for the game I think the gameplay is very awkward. In a skillshot game I want to be in really good control of my character. This could be improved by faster turn and movement rate(and perhaps being able to stop) or alternatively a more cave flier style both hands on keyboard combat where one hand is controlling the ship(arrow keys/wasd) and one hand is controlling weapons. As for the skills/weapons there are way too many in my opinion and the synergy of them feels awkward and the cooldowns are way too long. If you have 2 defensive spells I think they should be on a sub 5 second cooldown but maximum 1 sec duration and have all offensive spells kill on first or second hit to make to combat fast paced.
Yeah, I've got that feedback from some people. Something I've realised is that everyone is that there are two broad categories that this game looks like it could be similar to:
* A twin stick shooter
And I've got two distinctly opposing sets of feedback from those two groups. MOBAs have long cooldowns and you move and shoot with the mouse. Twin Stick Shooters let you move and shoot using separate controls (it's common to run away and shoot forward at the same time) and have very short (almost non-existent) cooldowns. I'm a MOBA person, and I based this game off my happy experiences with Warlock, the WarCraft 3 map, so I've ended up making something which is more like that. I think the genres are fun for different reasons and I can't please them both.
Moba’s feature a number of low-cd spells. I’d say the bigger differentiator is that mobas usually have a “skillset” while twin stick shooters usually have “set of skills”. That is, the former features a very high degree of synergy, and performing the whole combo is main task you want to achieve. That latter features shooting as the main goal, and your skills support that one basic task.
Your game is in an awkward spot because it fits neither: there’s no real combo to act out (i didnt look through the skills too thoroughly so maybe there are some interesting combos to derive), so your primary task is fireball’ing, with skills to support that task. Yet the cd is annoyingly long, so you’re mostly waiting!
The high risk shots dont seem to have real any way to allieviate the risk too: think of the basic moba combo: snare & pummel. You can still fire off the slow as hell ultimate, but its only really risk—free if they’re pinned first (and so pinning, not the ultimate, is really the thing you’re trying to avoid as the enemy).
Again, I haven’t gone through your game with any thouroughness to really judge; this is just my ideas on how skills play a significantly different role in the genres you’re coming from, and how theyd function in yours