I'm curious how do you guys operate the flink cluster, do you have a single huge shared flink cluster where people can submit any kind of jobs for various applications/streams.
Or do you have multiple smaller flink clusters for specific use cases?
Are they on Mesos/YARN/k8s, or just plain vms/baremetals?
We're running a single flink cluster. Engineers can run whatever jobs they need, but we aren't writing new flink jobs that often so the load is pretty predictable. We have a single digit number of jobs at the moment.
We are on 1.3.2 at the moment, running on EC2 vms.
I'm curious how do you guys operate the flink cluster, do you have a single huge shared flink cluster where people can submit any kind of jobs for various applications/streams. Or do you have multiple smaller flink clusters for specific use cases? Are they on Mesos/YARN/k8s, or just plain vms/baremetals?
Which flink version are you guys on? I'm very excited about Flink 1.6, especially related with FLIP-6 [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pa...]
Just wondering if you guys have any thoughts on that.
Thank you.