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I'm curious how do you guys operate the flink cluster, do you have a single huge shared flink cluster where people can submit any kind of jobs for various applications/streams. Or do you have multiple smaller flink clusters for specific use cases? Are they on Mesos/YARN/k8s, or just plain vms/baremetals?

Which flink version are you guys on? I'm very excited about Flink 1.6, especially related with FLIP-6 [https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pa...]

Just wondering if you guys have any thoughts on that.

Thank you.

We're running a single flink cluster. Engineers can run whatever jobs they need, but we aren't writing new flink jobs that often so the load is pretty predictable. We have a single digit number of jobs at the moment.

We are on 1.3.2 at the moment, running on EC2 vms.

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