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Already got you covered! The Internet Archive ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17685682 ) & notabug.io (a P2P Reddit alternative, pushing terabytes traffic) have already moved to using our decentralized tools ( https://github.com/amark/gun ).

Coming up, we're also working on IP masking (onion layering), and we already have an option to do end-to-end encryption (which prevents middlemen from being able to read your data).

If you are passionate about this stuff, there are a lot of projects moving in this direction and all Open Source, and they/us/them could really use help/contribution! Political reasons only shorten the timeline on needing this.

Is there a particularly good way to follow the progress of these projects?

I've found people's gitter channels (if they have them) to be the best update cycle:

- https://gitter.im/solid/chat (Tim Berners-Lee system)

- https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork

- https://gitter.im/amark/gun

- https://gitter.im/datproject/discussions


How does decentralization, p2p and encryption change anything? They won't protect you or prevent enforcement. If there are issues they will just tighten the law and increase enforcement mechaniams.

I share your perplexion. At best, these technical solutions will just break off a smaller, "splinter" Internet, unused by the vast majority of users. The average user does not know or care about these things and this isn't likely to change without an effort to properly educate future generations.

Moving from a world wide web to a decentralized, fractured web? Instead of WWW you have FBW (FacebookWeb, GW (GoogleWeb), AW (AppleWeb). What a sad future that would be.

If there is no service then GDPR acts as a higher precedent. EU would have to change their law that users are not allowed to store XYZ content on their own harddrives.

So yes, P2P/decentralization is a perfectly legal alternative for the time being.

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