I'll put a slightly different spin on this: At my current job the system I'm writing is in PHP (for reasons...). In its core it's all about domain modelling with some workflow sprinkled on top. Haskell would be a near perfect fit, but it can be done in PHP. However the code itself looks very Haskelly. I have a growing library of domain specific types that are composed into larger and larger tree shaped ADTs all the way to the top level entities. Validation is mapping/folding these ADT trees where nodes are (type, data) pairs that are mapped to their instantiation or its failure. The workflow bit is essentially a couple of FSMs with conditional transitions where the condition is usually the existence of some type that fulfils its constraint. Etc...
Reading it back it sounds analogous to the classic saying of one can write fortran in any language. In my opinion having experience with Haskell gives you a mindset first and foremost. When you bump into a problem where this mindset is a good fit you can use that knowledge with whatever tools are at hand.
Reading it back it sounds analogous to the classic saying of one can write fortran in any language. In my opinion having experience with Haskell gives you a mindset first and foremost. When you bump into a problem where this mindset is a good fit you can use that knowledge with whatever tools are at hand.