Ah. That kind of fake "reply" really wrecks conversation -- you left me wondering if you had misunderstood, when instead you were just grinding your axe.
Huh, not sure how and what I am grinding my axe for? I was genuinely curious if there is a federal incentives provided that I don't know about which is very possible. For instance, for the 3D printing industry there are specific grants (free money essentially) to help small companies federally and state wide. Not sure why you find my intent replusive or with a hidden purpose.
As I said before, I don't have any information about new federal incentives -- I have owned an EV for 5.5 years and know about state and local incentives for everything you brought up... which is why I said "parts of the US".
Meanwhile, you made it clear in the other thread that you're mainly interested in federal incentives, which is what I was referring to as your axe. Nothing repulsive, just something unlikely to generate good conversation with people who have nothing to say about federal incentives.