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Show HN: Move your Medium.com content to an open-source Ghost blog (github.com/ageitgey)
19 points by ageitgey on Aug 29, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Very neat. Thanks for sharing - also agree with your sentiment that it feels like content is locked up in Medium, even more so with the subscription plans.

Neat. Love the work towards breaking lock-in.

You should probably actually link to the ghost website in your readme somewhere. I was mildly aware and interested in the ghost blogging platform before I saw this, but it might be confusing for people who are not and just googleing "ghost" isn't giving me very helpful results.

Thanks, that's a great suggestion!

That's great, but why just Ghost? Why didn't you create a tool that would just extract your content from Medium and let you use it anywhere else? Now I'm just trapped on Ghost!

I did this manually a few months ago - would have loved this!

Nice. I just looked up Ghost to WordPress (exists) and Medium to WordPress (exists). I like Publii myself for small static sites that even my mom can use, but still like WordPress when I just want to blog.

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