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I have 8 year old triplets. It's tough work, but very rewarding.

On the attractiveness front, I have a still very attractive wife that takes care of herself. I think a lot of your worries are in the selection of a partner. And of course, you must keep up your end of the bargain, so lead by example, stay fit. It's a partnership, after all.

At the time I met my wife, I was dating quite a bit and had many options, but she just clicked with me immediately. She was gorgeous, and a genuinely-compassionate person. We don't post lovey #YOLO posts to each other on Instagram. We argue a lot, that's fine, we work through it. We stay committed.

I guess my point here is that nothing comes easy. It takes nurturing and humility.

Sometimes, when I'm alone and introspecting and my thoughts venture a little dark, I ask myself if I could turn back time would I do it again, or would I stay a swinging bachelor? And so far, my answer has always been "Hell yes, I would do it again".

As a father of 6 month old twins and two toddlers it's nice to see there's light at the end of the tunnel :)

Thank you for your reply. If I may ask, did your wife change mentally after having kids? I know several men whose wifes have been outgoing and universally interested, while after having kids, they are only interested in their kids, much less anything else.

She did change. She's a bit more moody and stressed now. She is a stay-at-home mom, so that is most of her life, but I encourage her to grow and do others things, be it go into town, do volunteer work, or take some classes. Whatever.

I want her to be the best person she can be, and that will involve more compromise on my part: hosting a single dad's night with the kids, entertaining the kids more, cooking dinner, washing the dishes. Had a long day at work and the dishes need to be done? Beat her to it and do them. It'll pay dividends.

You are/will be with a human being with flaws and complex emotions. Try to be patient, vulnerable, and understanding. And DEAR GOD ALMIGHTY, stay faithful.

That said, I'm a crappy husband. I'm often moody myself, stressed, a bit of a dick. I try not to beat myself up too bad anymore. I treat everyday like that Groundhog's Day movie. I just try to be better the next day and make my apologies when I need to.

Find the beauty in all the flaws and frailty of humans. Good luck.

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