I love zoomable UIs - something about these niche UI controls is just really cool. It's like a movie or game UI feature. Does anyone know of any collections of unusual/exotic UI controls? I always like to take inspiration from unique ways developers enable their users to browse and update their apps intuitively even if the data or structures you're working with are odd.
Not at all. Raspberry Pi-like hardware can run Node perfectly fine. A startup I used to work at had hardware specs comparable to a Pi, but was running multiple user apps in separate processes, weighing in at over 20MiB of memory each before you even had the user code running. This ran fine up until 20 user apps or so, since the device had 512MiB of RAM on board.
Ontopic: this is some very cool UI work! It is very hard to unite the desire of loads of cool features (it is a smart home after all!) with a simple and intuitive user interface.
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This concept offers a different approach to the home-automation UIs. It is not a real working app, but the result of a tutorial to learn how to use zircle-ui, which is the library used in this example (https://github.com/zircleUI/zircleUI).
I think that anyone with some experience working with home-assistant and/or openHAB UIs, may use this dashboard as a starting point to create a real app.
It does some funky things in Firefox on Android, fwiw. Touching any buttons tries to "select" them like selecting text to copy/paste, then when the animation is done playing, you're stuck with the Copy/Paste popup menu still open.
I love the design though. I'm trying to pick how I want to put my DIY home automation system together right now, and this is going straight to the top of the list for the UI.
Very great concept. Will play around with it. Demo wise: I find it a little difficult to navigate back, especially from mobile devices. How a back UI could be optimally added to zoom based interfaces? (Something other than arrow keys)
Yes that could be added as well :) But at this point I think that may be better that the developer creates a custom back button. If it is enabled by zircle the button's position could be overlaped by another custom z-spot. Having said that, I think there is room for further optimizations regarding zircle-ui.
I truly appreciated your views!!