> there is an arbitrary part (the choice of axioms)—but, once that part is in place, you must obey those axioms and discover what facts are true within them.
However, that's almost never the way math is originally developed. As a student one gets this impression, but that is usually on a topic that has been distilled and iterated over again and again, with people spending a lot of time on how to line out the "storyline" of a subfield.
More commonly, some special case is first encountered and then someone tries to isolate the most difficult core problem involved, stripping down the irrelevant distractions. The axioms don't come out of the blue. If a certain set of axioms don't pan out as expected (don't produce the desired behavior that you want to model with them, but for example "collapse" to a trivial and boring theory), then the axioms are tweaked. Indeed, most math was first developed without having (or feeling the need for) very precise axioms, including geometry, calculus and linear algebra.
I don't address this to you specifically, but I see that similar views of math in education make people believe it's some mechanistic rule-following and a very rigid activity. I think it would help if more of this "design" aspect of math was also shown.
Even when mathematicians feel they are discovering something, they rarely feel like discovering axioms, more like types of "complexity" or interesting behavior of abstract systems, where this complexity still has to be deliberately expressed as formal axioms and theory, but I'd say that's more like design or engineering or the exact word choice for a writer vs. the plot or the overall story.
However, that's almost never the way math is originally developed. As a student one gets this impression, but that is usually on a topic that has been distilled and iterated over again and again, with people spending a lot of time on how to line out the "storyline" of a subfield.
More commonly, some special case is first encountered and then someone tries to isolate the most difficult core problem involved, stripping down the irrelevant distractions. The axioms don't come out of the blue. If a certain set of axioms don't pan out as expected (don't produce the desired behavior that you want to model with them, but for example "collapse" to a trivial and boring theory), then the axioms are tweaked. Indeed, most math was first developed without having (or feeling the need for) very precise axioms, including geometry, calculus and linear algebra.
I don't address this to you specifically, but I see that similar views of math in education make people believe it's some mechanistic rule-following and a very rigid activity. I think it would help if more of this "design" aspect of math was also shown.
Even when mathematicians feel they are discovering something, they rarely feel like discovering axioms, more like types of "complexity" or interesting behavior of abstract systems, where this complexity still has to be deliberately expressed as formal axioms and theory, but I'd say that's more like design or engineering or the exact word choice for a writer vs. the plot or the overall story.