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Gury: HTML5 Canvas jQuery-inspired helper (thechangelog.com)
21 points by thegoleffect on Oct 12, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

(Disclaimer: I am writing a currently-unreleased jquery-based canvas helper)

I really like the idea here, and am all for more people using the canvas element, but I don't really think the built in canvas API is unwieldy, or even remotely foreign to anyone working on the web.

The only interesting functionality exposed in the API that I could find was some basic animation - defining a translation, saving the context of the canvas (for later rendering?) and then running the animation. Can anyone explain why this is interesting? Maybe it's a little early to pass judgement?

edit: Okay, the support for tags on objects you draw onto the canvas is pretty useful. This would definitely be useful for anyone developing a canvas game.

My idea wasn't to replace the Canvas API but to supplement it with a framework that allows for even faster/easier development. Hopefully in the way that jQuery doesn't replace JS but makes DOM manipulation and UI programming faster/easier.

Okay, this makes a lot more sense now. I'll definitely be watching this to see where you take it, since quick development of canvas applications is something we could definitely use more of.

It appears to just syntactic sugar. Chaining things, etc etc.

I like it, but I have to admit it doesn't seem to add a whole lot yet.

I find the raw canvas API to be a little bit clunky and unwieldy. The syntactic sugar makes it a lot more likely that I'll use canvas without a second thought.

Making something more pleasant, even just a little bit, can lower the barrier enough to get a lot of people going.

It'd be great is the canvas api returned the context object whenever you made a change to it, so we could do chaining without an extra library.

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