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There are a couple of projects that do this for Rust, depending on what your inputs and outputs are:

* https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rust-bindgen - Inputs are C/C++ headers, outputs are Rust type definitions and extern functions to interoperate with the type and functions in the headers

* https://github.com/immunant/c2rust - Inputs are C headers and source, outputs Rust code that is semantically equivalent to the C (modulo bugs, etc.)

* https://github.com/eqrion/cbindgen/ - Inputs are Rust source, outputs C/C++ headers that can be used to interoperate with the types and functions exposed by Rust

None of these are able to handle dynamic header templating properly, e.g. try embedding Guile Scheme in a non-C/C++ language through FFI alone.

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