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Guys, please, try to be reasonable here.

150 miles is not an insert for Amazon. I'm not a general, but even I can see that 150 miles is military sense.

150 specifically just happens to be the military requirement? Not 100 or 200, but 150, which just happens to be the distance that Amazon offers?

? it is a minimum of 150 miles. And no, this is not the distance that Amazon offers, Google and Azure also can match this offer.

I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of the requirements used Amazon's numbers and marketing material as, shall we say, inspiration.

There is a 50-miles requirement for financial companies that came into effect after the 9/11. So I think 150 miles isn't all that unreasonable for military.

It’s probably 150 miles within an availability zone.

Datacenters in the same AZ are much closer than 150 miles, right?

No idea Jeff. :)

I do know the Iowa is >150 miles from Ashburn, VA, so Google Cloud and Azure should have been able to meet that requirement.

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