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Mobile Dev platforms - Anyone have a preference?
2 points by goodlab on Oct 9, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
We are moving forward with putting our app on mobile and are investigating Sencha, Jqtouch, Appcelarator.

We are leaning towards appcelarator since its seems to build something closer to native apps. Where as the others seems to use front end html/js to replicate functionality. Any insights would be appreciated

Appcelerator seems to be the right choice, however developing a 'complex' application (ex: Twitter client) won't be an easy ride.

SO you'd go native in that case?

I really believe Appcelerator has the right approach in providing a solution for easy, quick, cross platform with native look and feel apps but they aren't there yet. I use Appcelerator for prototyping and if necessary I'll go for native app.

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