I was thinking if it would be interesting to have browser that at the same time would be acting as command line.
Examples: goto gmail.com compose new
goto wikipedia.org penguin
goto ........
Maybe I have not expressed my self clearly. I was thinking if there is a full feature browser(not a command line browser like lynx) where at the same time will be having command line capabilities. I guess it can be something like kernel on the cloud.
I was thinking something with flavor chrome+bash full capability of playing video for example and at the same time be used as text editor if you want, list your offline files etc
I am not sure that uzbl is that. But I am sorry if I missed the point of uzbl-browser
I think what you are asking for is a browser that also acts as a terminal.
It would have to do both really well to fit into that niche, but I haven't looked too much into uzbl-browser but it may be able to perform such tasks through its extensibility.
Exactly that "a browser that also acts as a terminal" :). I am not a programmer. I am talking from the perspective of someone that likes the comfort and the goods of a fully featured browser(multimedia, filling forms easily, ..) and the flexibility and the simplicity of a terminal.
I use vimperator for the types of things you have mentioned. Keyboard shortcuts for everything very similar to vim.
But in other comments you seem to ask about actual terminal capabilities. Not really interested in that personally, I am fine having my browser be a browser and my terminal be a terminal. Might be neat to run an instance of a terminal in a browser tab though.
But I do recommend learning vimperator if you spend a lot of time in the terminal anyway.
Or maybe... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynx_%28web_browser%29 :)