I guess I wasn't clear enough. Using the median certainly works better if you're looking at the population of "all 2BR apartments." But, I would contend that's a mistake, as luxury apartments are really fundamentally different from non-luxury apartments. And, among luxury apartments, individual amenities matter. A pool is likely to be less relevant than a doorman, for instance.
Statistically, I don't see any good way around this other than doing a really gnarly ANOVA to tease out the prices of individual amenities.
2BR just happens to be the category the article chose. It's a reasonable assumption that e.g. families with a kid are going to rent at least a 2BR — of any age and luxury — if they can afford to.
Statistically, I don't see any good way around this other than doing a really gnarly ANOVA to tease out the prices of individual amenities.