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Subpoena for Discord could unmask Charlottesville white supremacists (washingtonpost.com)
6 points by okket on Aug 8, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Discord seems like a very strange choice considering how strongly anti-privacy they are.

Encryption? Not allowed. Deleting your own conversation history? Not allowed.

It’ll be really funny when some famous discord user gets hacked and has years of private chat logs dumped publicly.

Considering the strong video game culture style in Discord, using it to organize a group of hateful white supremacists is almost at the same level as using a penguinville chat room with cute penguin avatars where they plot and scheme against society. It's a comedic, ridiculous place that may be perfectly suited for buffoonery.

And yet, on the free tier, it beats Slack on almost every possible metric as a communication tool.

Yknow, besides the most important one. Security.

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