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A new way to write code or edit text (conyedit.com)
27 points by guiyuanWoo on Aug 8, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

This looks really interesting!

Sort of an adaption of ACME's core ideas to a system that doesn't have the necessary cli tools to do the interesting stuff when it comes to automated text processing.

Come to think of it: Wouldn't something like `cc.awk` be the ultimate command in this regard?

good idea

Hmm, I guess that the primary target audience for this would be people who currently already whip out regular expressions to run a search & replace in their text editor, rather than manually copying and pasting in the right spot the few times you need to make structured batch edits like this? (I do the latter.)

Hmm, based on condition.

Very clever idea, very cool. I can't wait to try it.

If you're lurking, check out the examples on their website ... it's worth looking into. (I have no relationship with the company or product whatsoever other than being impressed).


ConyEdit is a cross-editor plugin for the text editors or IDEs. With ConyEdit running in the background, you can use its commands in any text editor or IDE on Windows OS. It has defined A completely new way to write code or edit text (for example, extract data in any text editor or IDE and store them in ConyEdit's named arrays. Then batch refer at anytime anywhere, without wasting time on moving data repeatedly). It has rich features for the in-place column-editing, line-editing, and string-editing.

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