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Ask HN: What to do if my new book is being pirated?
2 points by mmaanniisshh on July 26, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I want to understand the options I have as an author if I see my book getting distributed at no charge at piracy websites. Also, I wonder what other authors do and if there is any governing body which looks into this matter? Like MPAA or RIAA equivalent to protect books and authors.

You may have some recourse, but piracy is a hydra that will not go away. Where one website is shut down, two more will appear.

The most you can do as far as I know is fight against the sites that host it or the places that index/list it. Fighting it is a losing game, IMHO. Some sites/jurisdictions/etc are likely going to be untouchable by any method, so if people really want to get your work for free, they will find a way.

A book I wrote was pirated a few years ago. I didn't do anything and let the publisher deal with it. I have no clue if they really tried to do anything about it.

I didn't write the book for the money so missing out on the royalties didn't upset me that much, I just took it as a compliment and moved on :)

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