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Over $109bn wiped off Facebook's market cap after growth shock (theguardian.com)
35 points by Ours90 on July 26, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

This company has more revenue than a company which feed 1 percent population daily. Go figure.

For context, here is $fb stock for the past 12 months [1] https://i.imgur.com/R0NwgSb.png

They've fallen and recovered from way more than that (edit: not) this year.

1: https://www.google.com/search?q=%24fb&oq=%24fb&aqs=chrome.0....

None of the drops in that chart are even remotely comparable. Even the local maximum to the 52 week low over the course of months is smaller so hardly "way more". Its the largest drop in market cap in a single day ever, so its pretty uncharted territory whether a company can recover or not.

can recover or not? are you kidding me? lol

It was an open question, after the 2000 crash, whether MSFT would recover. It took until 2016 to do that.

It was an open question whether EK could recover. We all know how that ended.

The chart doesn't include today's drop yet: https://i.imgur.com/b3EzMfX.png

it's still higher than recent low set after the Cambridge incident. The subsequent runup thereafter was quite aggressive as if the incident never even took place.

Maybe someday we will all realize that daily fluctuations in a company's market cap don't matter.

Just because something happened doesn't make it news.

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