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I have seen no real evidence of that. I would actually prefer if they did, as contempt for property rights helped many countries and companies become competitive. And there are many economists with a dislike of intellectual property, mostly austrians, who are also fiercly pro capitalism.

It is also in line with what many say for startups: ideas do not count, only the execution.

I hope this answers your questions about me. I am here to share ideas, and I am happy to explain my reasoning if needed.

Whether or not the government should be granting monopolies in the form of IP and whether it's fine to violate property rights in a capitalist system, are two different questions

I can see your other viewpoints but I do not understand how your seeming desire for no laws is based in capitalism. Property rights and rule of law are basic necessities for capitalism

Not everyone agreees on this "basic necessity"

There is hardly anything more capitalistic than the Mises institute. Yet they share these ideas!



extracts: "Like many libertarians, I initially assumed intellectual property (IP) was a legitimate type of property right. But I had misgivings from the start: there was just something too utilitarian..."

I think you're conflating two points. I know many, capitalistic, people believe that IP should not exist.

However it does currently exist as property of people. If property rights are not respected then capitalism falls apart as you'd have land and capital stolen and kept by whoever could bring the most force

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