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Because I grew up in the Ottawa region and many of my friends parents worked at Nortel.


Someone was hacking into Nortel and stealing R&D, trade secrets, the hard work of the research division. That someone was in China. Soon after, a competitor named Huawei with a minimal R&D budget was selling very similar products at lower prices. It put Nortel out of business. My friends' parent all lost their jobs.

This is why I personally won't buy Huawei products.

This probably isn't the only thing that put Nortel out of business, but it saddens me that more Canadians aren't aware of that history. Huawei advertising during Hockey Night in Canada just makes my blood boil. It's nation-state-level trolling.


You don't fix industrial espionage with a trade war.

The connection to Huawei seems very tenuous. Is there any evidence of Huawei hacking Nortel? The link you shared is just an allegation of Chinese hacking.

Huawei have a rep for being IP thieves. They once were sued by Cisco for having software so "accidentally" similar, it had the same bugs...


A company I worked for was acquired by a huawei partner, and within a couple of months Huawei was selling a complete hardware and software copy of our product.

GPs story definitely rings true.

Wait, if the company was acquired by a Huawei proxy, how is that same as whatever GP is insinuating?

Full disclosure: I work for Huawei; I am not paid to shill; I am not Chinese.

> I am not Chinese

I'm not criticizing the parent, but it should never need to be said. Nobody here should be judged based on their ethnicity or country.

If the company was acquired by a Huawei partner, doesn't that mean the reproduction was legitimate in this case?

No, why would it be? It wasn’t produced by the partner, and was never authorized to be copied by anyone. It was straight up copied - source code and all - by Hauwei after their partner got access to our SVN repos.

Why wasn't Huawei sued? I would assume that Huawei acquired the code and design legally if there was no lawsuit.

Wait, if Huawei Partner acquired the company, doesn’t it mean they got the rights to its IP? Isn’t that often the sole point of acquision?

Or did I misread something?


China is objectively not playing by the same rules as the west currently. Chinese Nationals have been caught stealing tech multiple times. I worked at a company where an intern from china was caught trying to steal the entire database but failed only because our infrastructure was so shitty that it crashed when trying to export everything. It was just quietly swept under the rug because any sort of retaliation would have led to losing access to the Chinese market since the intern was a relative of some government official. These sort of behaviors make people angry.

Not to say that no one else has acted like this. The United States stole/forced the UK and other European powers to give over IP back when we were the rising star in the global market

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