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This is on iOS but their app definitely went downhill pretty severely in the past year.

If any sort of bluetooth or background playback is involved, the previous playback position will almost always be lost. Video/audio in a playlist skips and don't play sequentially. Reordering items manually will have their order re-scrambled as soon as you start scrolling the item list in the playlist. Playing an item to completion even in foreground will show a random amount left on this item when you moved onto another item.

It's hard to say Huawei is exclusively to blame when their primary video playing features (including background playback) is already so buggy.

> This is on iOS but their app definitely went downhill pretty severely in the past year.

The VLC/iOS is getting a full rewrite, to be way more modern. (I can share screenshots if you want). So the transition is a bit difficult now, I agree, but it will be soon better.

> It's hard to say Huawei is exclusively to blame when their primary video playing features (including background playback) is already so buggy.

The code on iOS and Android is totally different. But Huawei is breaking all apps, including Google Photos or PodCast Addict. This is not VLC, but all apps that are affected.

Please do share screenshots.

Huawei and Xiaomi are both culprits of background app killing, and unlike Google they don't provide a way for apps to whitelist themselves.

> Please do share screenshots.


Also on iOS, and I wonder if anyone else has experienced a weird bug. Open VLC, make sure it’s showing your videos as a grid, then drop your iPad about 3 feet onto a bed or other very soft surface (I am not responsible for you not picking a soft enough landing area). VLC gives me the “Report a bug” dialog box.

This is probably a shake to report a bug feature (Android users are probably more used to this, I remember Google Maps on Android having this feature)

Is there some reason to implement it on iOS? It also is really damn touchy.

Smaller codebase? I expect the iOS and Android branches share a fairly decent amount of code.

This is a pretty common pattern on Android. Sometimes accompanied by a message like "You seem to be shaking the device in frustration, report a bug?"

Where the response from me has always been, "No, I wasn't frustrated, I was running. But now I'm frustrated."

Onedrive on ios has a “shake to send feedback” but it can be disabled on the onedrive’s setings menu. I cant see the same on vlc and i couldnt reproduce the effect. maybe its the version you have? it may share some framework or library with this feature enabled by default (pure speculation i admit).

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