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All major OS have gone kernel changes over time. Windows,MacOS,now Android. Simple. Of course, lots of other factors as well like Oracle lawsuit.

Taken from reddit: I don't think it will be "starting over," just a major platform change. Imagine Fuchsia being Android 13.0. Every OS maker does a major platform rewrite along these lines eventually.

Windows moved from DOS to the NT kernel.

Apple moved from the classic Mac OS nanokernel (is this the right name?) to the Unix-like XNU kernel with OS X.

Google could trade Linux for Fuchsia's kernel.

These projects are always codenamed something else at first. They always come with big compatibility problems that are overcome with time or emulation layers. Sometimes there are major UI changes, sometimes the UI is built to closely replicate the old OS, but everyone does a huge "reboot" transition like this eventually.

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