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> Here they mix up the Linux kernel with the Java programming language.

I parsed that comma as an "and".

> While here they mix up the Java programming language with the Linux kernel.

Did they? It might be implied that Google is dropping Java as well. Indeed other sources seem to suggest this is their strategy[1], [2], [3], [4]

My experiences with Bloomberg writers is that they're not lazy, but they elide a great deal of specificity to focus on the business effects and brands instead of technical bits and bobs.

[1]: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/11/21/android_the_next_10...

[2]: https://www.quora.com/Is-Google-implictly-going-to-drop-Java...

[3]: https://rethinkresearch.biz/articles/google-reveals-more-fuc...

[4]: https://www.androidauthority.com/we-compiled-fuchsia-os-7104...

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