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How AdBlock Makes Ad Tech Industry Better (theappsolutions.com)
2 points by obalitskaya on July 19, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

> How to make this request sound convincing? Block any attempt of viewing a page until whitelisting is applied.

Well, that's the best way to push people suddenly decide they're not interested in your content anymore and instantly leave the website. This otherwise interesting post unfortunately brings no durable solution, nor one that respects user and their consent to privacy. I'd even say that first one is an infringement of GDPR, since it states that lack of consent to a feature that's not necessary to run the service can't deny access to the said service.

Also, French media tried this specific solution way earlier (and way before the GDPR applied) and they had to roll that back because that was actually causing the size of their online audience to decrease.

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