I'm glad someone else said it. An article so great that you can't avoid voting it up, but is so thorough that there's nothing to comment on besides "READ THIS!"
Whatever awards they pass out for blogs, I'm voting for Marc. He seems to be in an ideal state of disinterest. He isn't concerned about blog revenues or "access" and he has strategically valuable information and experience. Yet somehow he writes the blog anyway. Maybe because he still self-identifies as a hacker, and educating the internet by posting is still part of his value system.
(That said, you can't trust much of what he says about Ning, but it is unclear how much of this is pride and how much is spin.)
Also, he can afford to do crazy things like ask a few lawyers what the likely endgames are. But you would think that the SJ Mercury would have done the same thing, and yet their article over the weekend wasn't nearly as good. Compare: http://www.mercurynews.com//ci_9073065?IADID=Search-www.merc...