My understanding is that much of the official work on the Qt libraries over the last few years, has been to do with assisting rapid application development. What was your reason for going with Python over the nearest official alternative, 'Qt Quick'?
(Qt Quick uses webby technologies like JavaScript, but of course retains support for C++. Incidentally it also seems to be where their backend work is focused - their shiny Direct3D 12 engine is for Qt Quick only, as far as I know.)
Rapid application development involves an application, and for the purpose of writing application logic Python tends to be more advanced than Javascript, easier to write than C++, and with a better set of libraries than both.
(Qt Quick uses webby technologies like JavaScript, but of course retains support for C++. Incidentally it also seems to be where their backend work is focused - their shiny Direct3D 12 engine is for Qt Quick only, as far as I know.)