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Show HN: LiveJam – A new way to listen to music on YouTube (livejam.com)
3 points by ashraful on July 10, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I will say one thing - it looks really good.

I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong though. When I click the play button nothing plays. I've tried on multiple browsers.

To play a song, double-click on it, or click once and then click on the play button. Let me know if that doesnt work.

It works now and is pretty sweet! Have you made any changes/updates?

I'll play around with it and try to give some feedback. So far, it looks sleek and I can see a lot of people using it.

Use to work, but no longer does. :(

Can you let me know what part is not working for you? Does the entire site not load?

It wouldn't play on Firefox. I'll try again and give you my browser specs.

Edit: works on Firefox mobile. Gonna try desktop in a second.

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