Bretheren, and Fellow Commitizens !
You may depend, that thoſe odious Miſcreants and deteſ table Tools
to Miniſtry and Octocat, the Tea Consignees, (thoſe Traitors to their
Company, Butchers, who have done, and are doing every Thing to Murder
and deſtroy all that ſall ſtand in the Way of their private Internet,)
are determined to come and reſide again in the Town of Redmond.
I therefore give you this early Notice, that you may hold yourselv-
es in Readineſs, on the ſorteſt Notice, to give them ſuch a Reception,
as ſuch vile Ingrates deſerve. JOYCE, jun.
(Chairman of the Committee for Tarballing and Feathering.
If any Perſon ſould be ſo hardy as to git rm this file, they may