I'm wondering if large rubber-like pipes could be used to make crawl-able tunnels through the submerged areas of the cave?
Divers would carry the rubber pipes through the cave such that both ends are above air, the water would be pumped out of them, and then the boys would just need to crawl through the pipes.
If a suitable type of pipe could be found/made this seems like a good solution.
What does everyone think?
From a risk management point of view however this solution seems a bit reckless, as a rescuer you never want to cause more damage/hazard than what's already present and this untested solution could fail in some catastrophic ways. What to do if the pipe becomes punctured? How do you rescue somebody that becomes stuck for whatever reason? (think also psychological factors)
If you compare this to just waiting a few months and walking out you might conclude that it's not worth the risk.