The article describes a lot about the workflow, but only two sentences about the advantages:
> A very large body of email-related software exists and is equally reliable and well-understood. You can interact with email using only open source software and customize your workflow at every level of the stack - filtering, organizing, forwarding, replying, and so on; in any manner you choose.
Using email software in general is well-understood, but using it for Git is much harder than using GitHub. Customizing the workflow is also something you probably shouldn't want to do unless you're really working with a massive project such as the Linux kernel.
Author here. I didn't load all of the advantages into a single conveniently-quotable part of the article, but I think I covered them all the same. In addition to what you quoted:
>reviewing patches is quite easy with the email approach as well [...] It’s just email - you can reply, forward the message, Cc interested parties, start several chains of discussion, and so on
The quote you gave also misses an important point directly preceeding it, which is that email is decentralized and federated. I also wouldn't understate the importance of all of it being open source.
That's all true, but (and note: I didn't downvote you) the problem I have with email for code review is that finding all the comments made over time on one patch is... a chore. Mind you, for many years I did code review over email, so I'm used to it, and since I'm a TUI sort of person, it works very very well for me except for the chore that is finding and collating all comments.
This chore is very real, and very time consuming. Reviewers need to make sure that new versions of a patch are responsive to past [accepted] commentary. Authors need to find all commentary when updating patches in order to be responsive to it.
Not that code review tools from GitHub, GitLab, and others, are all that good. I've yet to find a code review tool that really works for me and the people I work with.
Whether you use email as a transport and/or interface, or something more weby, or whatever, at the end of the day, for me, the real win lies in code review and commentary management and UIs. Because I'm a TUI person, my approach would be to build a code/patch+commentary format, something like (designing on the fly here):
- foo.c
| /* This is code (or patch) */
? jane ^^^^^^^^^^^^
? jon The above is code, yes, but this is commentary!
| while (!review_done)
| ...;
- 0001-This-is-a.patch
| diff ...
Something more markdown-y would work too.
An XML version wouldn't be a bad idea, provided a) that the schema is trivial, b) that there are tools for converting between a simple text format (e.g., like the above), c) preferably things round-trip. Obviously, with XSLT/XPath, (b) should be feasible, especially if we heed (a). And (c) should be possible if the XML schema is kept simple enough (but see below).
What's nice about this is that as long as there is version information we can merge commentary from many emails into one document (per file/patch), which then could make automation of commentary collation possible.
This needs lots more thought, I grant that. For example: how to cut-down quoted text without losing the ability to trivially merge commentary? Also, it would be very tempting to add lots of metadata, which would drive one to XML. I'm not a huge fan of XML, mostly due to lack of TUI editors for it... but XML does have the advantage of XSLT/XPath.
It seems to me that this is a problem that can be solved reasonably well, and that this is a problem worth solving. If we can solve it in a way that works well with TUIs, it will also work well with email, so this should be of interest to you (I hope so as you seem to have the time and energy to work on this!).
Thanks for your detailed thoughts, I'm taking all of this down and using it to influence my work on (the mailing list and code review tool I'm building).
The chores of this approach - finding and collating feedback, sheparding a patch through the flow, and so on - are all things I'm acutely aware of. I don't think we need to throw the baby out with the bathwater like GitHub does, though, and I see these as places to improve our tools rather than replace them.
The specific output format you see here is just a testing tool, this isn't the final user-facing product. The important part is ingesting a bunch of emails and creating a thread where you can associate all of the responses over time with the particular parts of the patch. Combining this with a gerrit-like tool which tracks new patches over time and avoids duplicating review work is planned.
Thinking about it more... There is not much need for XML.
The inputs are plaintext replies (or HTML formatted as plaintext).
The original document is immutable.
There is no state (because it can be collated from scratch every time). EDIT: If updates are allowed in any non-email based way (e.g., via a BUI, REST APIs) then email must be generated and sent so that all the state is in the email archives and all participants can collate the same state.
But the result of the collation is more like a database and less like a document. In particular there's not much need for marking up commentary.
Multiple collation output formats will be needed: plain text, XML, XHTML, JSON. These formats/schemas are only needed for display purposes, not interchange, as the collation results can be computed independently by all who have access to the emails. This means there is nothing to standardize!
Thus collation state can be kept any way you want. XML, SQLite3, some NoSQL, any in-memory representation you like -- whatever suits you. Still, I'd use anything that has a nice, declarative query language. XML (XSLT/XPath), JSON (JSONPath, jq), or an RDBMS (SQL) -- all will do. For you, and given your emphasis on open source, SQLite3 or PostgreSQL will work best, I think. You can generate all of the output formats you need from such a database.
No, of course we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. But this is, for me and many others, the biggest issue in using an email-driven approach to code review and patch integration -- I say this as a very TUI-focused user, a tmux/mutt/vim/cscope/shell/... power user. That's not a fatal problem, but a critical challenge. Simply put, without a way to address this issue satisfactorily, an email-driven approach to patch integration will only be a niche thing. Now, mutt and such only work for a small enough number of people, so they are niche tools too. But email-driven patch integration will be even more niche, though it could be at least as popular as vim if this problem is solved.
Another thing is that with an approach to email code review that solves the collation problem you might... be able to seamlessly bridge email and web interfaces. For example, GitHub does actually have an email interface -- a very poor interface (markdown won't be interpreted, yo wth GH?) and only for issues, not code review. But your service could provide a superior email interface to code review... that also plays well with the web. I'm glad you're already thinking of this.
(GH doesn't care about email integration because with a REST API and BUI they can cover all their users' needs (except email-centrism!) without having to deal with the challenge of email issues (like this collation issue). GH has chosen to not bother with email, while you're taking up the challenge. As a lover of email, I say good for you (and for the rest of us)!)
Again it's tempting to think of XML. If you want to convert to a plain text format, XSLT can do it. And if you want to convert it to HTML, XSLT can do it. Or you can fetch the XML with XHR. Or convert it to JSON for fetching with XHR... again, XSLT can do it (well, I've never written XSLT code to produce JSON, and I'm guessing doing it right isn't easy, but maybe newer XSLT iterations have support for JSON? idk, I've not followed it). If you use JSON you could use jq, natch, but JSON is a poor format for what is really document-like data, so I'd stay away from JSON. Even if you choose not to use XML (I wouldn't blame you! XML is for masochists), thinking about this problem with XML in mind might help you design a non-XML format that covers all the things you need to cover.
I'm not just a TUI power user. I'm also a jq and XSLT power user, meaning that APIs (meaning, nowadays, "RESTful" APIs) are very convenient. Structured document formats add a lot of value, but in an email context you just can't access that value due to lack of a) a notion of "email API", b) MUA integration with editors for different MIME types, c) a total dearth of editors for those formats lying in between vim on the TUI side and Word on the GUI side. In this particular context you have the benefit that you can consumer plain text and extract from it commentary due to the traditional email angle-bracket quoting style, then merge that content into a structured document from which you can render plain text again if desired.
Anyways, really, best of luck. If you want to exchange further thoughts off HN, I'm sure you can find my email address.
The key thing about any tool that's trying to improve an email-based workflow is that it has to interoperate with people still using the traditional "just an email client" tools. Better web UIs for people who want to use web UIs are something I'd love to see, but a big-bang switchover to a completely different format won't work for large projects, where mandating changes of tooling is a really hard sell. All the three tools I list above take the "interoperate with the existing patches-in-email transport" approach.
Yes, the difficulty lies in having to deal with just-whatever-the-users-and-their-MUAs-do. It's a bit of a mess. But a bit of convention can be taught to users -- think of Markdown, which has been quite a success because it's just a bit of convention that users were often accidentally using anyways. A bit of convention can go a long way.
The real challenge is that the GUI MUAs often make it hard for users to use even a bit of convention in plain text... I'm thinking of Outlook in particular, but it's not the only one. Even with an MUA that does angle-bracket quoting the right way and encourages users to trim quotes and bottom-post, the fact is that editing plain text is difficult and boring for most non-vim/emacs users out there, and that is most users. This problem can't be solved by the author of TFA, but if the author of TFA solves the problems that are in their bailiwick, then that could add pressure on MUA developers.
I'm the author of emailthreads, mentionned in the article. I believe the library is already able to do something pretty close to what you want. See for example this output: (you can find source messages in the parent directory)
The goal is to eventually build a web UI around this library.
Oh, I skipped that paragraph. Oy, sorry. I think the text format for interleaving source and commentary needs its own discussion somewhere, and probably a standalone repository separate from implementation (and some day preferably too, an RFC, or at least a MIME type registration).
I've looked at the examples you linked, and... I like that the review format for review authoring is just plain trivial. Not sure how it works with quote trimming... I'm not sure I like the output format, but I'll go think about it.
>I think the text format for interleaving source and commentary needs its own discussion somewhere, and probably a standalone repository separate from implementation (and some day preferably too, an RFC, or at least a MIME type registration).
Yeah, this library just parses email threads and the goal isn't to define a new format. This particular output format is just for debugging and unit testing, it's not meant to e actually used as is. The library user just gets a tree of text fragments with metadata, it's up to him how the output will look like.
The library emersion is working on does not parse an email, it parses a thread of emails. It can relate several emails together into a tree of responses to the original email and break down the responses to e.g. particular lines of code in a patch.
Have you tried Phabricator? It tracks completion status of comments on a review. Letting you easily find the un-finished ones. Comments can also apply to single or multi-line sections of the file, and they stay present even as the patch itself is updated in response to comments.
Phabricator is decent in many ways, but it's terrible at handling patch series. Most people don't seem to be aware of the feature at all, and it's not integrated at all into tools like arcanist.
> finding all the comments made over time on one patch is... a chore
True enough. Not repeat that analysis in 17 years. Archives of LKML go back to the list's creation over two decades ago. How long do you expect your github page to last before the format changes or the project gets dropped or pickled?
I feel like you missed the whole point of this sub-thread. No one in it is arguing for not using email for reviews. Rather, we're talking about how to make it easier to use email for reviews.
Agreed. To begin with, telling everyone in your group to just stop using gmail/webmail is a non-starter, so you're going to end up having to lead people through setting up a second set of tools.
And whatever the advantages of this workflow are, there are also disadvantages, or at least unanswered questions. How do you switch from inline diffs to side-by-side, toggle whitespace, integrate the results of a linter/static analyzer, etc? It's a good idea to build your collaboration tools on top of plain text/simple interfaces, but there are also a lot of needs that push you in the direction of a complex/powerful app.
I was interested in the idea of alternative git tooling, but I don't think this article really delivers.
I think these concerns are valid, and also addressed in the article towards the end. I believe the correct answer is not to throw these tools away like GitHub et al chooses to do, but to build upon them instead. Getting everyone to jump ship from webmail is hard, but instead of taking these tools away from email power-users I want to make web tools for e.g. interacting with mailing lists more powerful via my work on
> and also addressed in the article towards the end.
Your perception might be that they're addressed, because you see your vision of how things should work. But to me, I can't see more than "trust me, I'm working on it". The value of that assurance depends on how well you see the limitations of the older workflows, not just their advantages.
If you build it, that will assuage most worries, but talking about what you need in addition to the pure email workflow, and showing how it can be built would also help your case.
There's more tangible stuff here than "trust me, I'm working on it", I hope. A lot of the non-mail-related work exists and I'm getting started on mail stuff now, so I'm starting to write about it to spurn discussion and start paying attention to people's concerns with the approach.
You can also see some of the specific email-related stuff I have going if you want to dig some more:
The latter in particular could give some good insight into how this stuff is going to take shape. Would love to hear more of your concerns, keep them coming!
I've read your article. I was excellent! One thing I missed though was an real life, actual example of discussing a bug and then submitting a patch, including all git commands.
I think the only real benefit is good scalability for really massive projects. Otherwise, using something like Github and the like is clearly much easier.
Yes. I like the HTML formatting; it makes for more effective communication. You can use bulleted paragraphs; bold, italic, typewriter font.
In a HTML message, you can have an indented code block which is not physically indented. When it is copied and pasted, it has no indent.
Hyperlinks and images can be used in HTML messages, which is convenient.
Color is possible: syntax colored code can be incorporated into an HTML e-mail.
Also, I use an mailing list archiver called Lurker, which I customized such that it allows HTML messages to be incorporated into the archive. So poor archiving of HTML mails isn't any objection.
The author mentions this several times, but the Linux kernel project workflow is built around email, as described on LWN[0] and discussed here[1] and on Reddit[2]. [edited for format]
I like 'stgit' for this -- it lets you manage a work-in-progress patch series as a stack of patches you can move around in, update, reorder and so on, which I find more natural than raw git rebases.
I'm a huge fan of Mutt and hate HTML email, but OP comes off as a kind-of curmudgeon. Reviewing pull requests semi-interactively on a browser or even though vim-diff in a single place has long beat email patch diffs for me.
Also, Drew doesn't really delve into what makes email clients "bad." Email is so much more accessible than it used to be thanks to Outlook, Hotmail, Gmail and the like. HTML allows people and companies to be creative/abusive with their email. Plain text is quite restrictive.
Suppose there was a text-based format for mixing code/patch and commentary, and that this format lent itself well to processing in such ways as:
- merge/collate commentary (from many emails, say)
- display source with collapsed/collapsable commentary
- track commentary accepted/rejected/extant/addressed status
- track commentary metadata (who, when)
Would that address your comment / needs?
I mean, I use GUI/web-y code review tools because I find them much easier to use than email, but only because the problem they solve is: keeping track of all commentary. Collating comments (and status) from many emails is a time-consuming chore -- I hate it, and it's the only reason I don't want to do code review over email, but it's the only reason I have for not wanting to do code review over email. If we can solve this problem, then I'd be ecstatic to do code review over email.
But patchwork is a pale comparison to many of the web based collaborative code review tools. Its basically a patch tracker plus some simple state tracking, rather than a full blown interactive communications tool.
Yes! It would be AWESOME if it were possible to review patches and pull requests (glorified patches + git merge) from the command line. It would be nice to do this from Mutt, but the issue with Mutt is that configuring it to (a) work with MS Exchange or Gmail (less so) and (b) configuring address lookups and calendar invites so that they work seamlessly every time is a lot of work with very little love.
Good for what? Security thru simplicity. It's easy to make copies in postapocalyptic world, where you have only a typewriter. You don't need fancy tools to view it. Anything else?
The second part is here, because I recently read too many RFCs, which were devoid of examples, explanations and hyperlinks (right, plain text). I had no other ideas why is it that way.
How would someone new to a project who might benefit from looking at historical patches AND the commentary surrounding them be able to access that information in an email-driven workflow? In a pull request model on GitHub, you can go in and view all the old comments from the pull request and get a good understanding of how/why a feature was implemented. Missing the contextual explanation of a feature and only being able to look at the commit history if you weren't on the mailing list to begin with seems like a big limitation to me. Or am I missing something?
Right but, then you have to sift through the dozens of unrelated comments, and if there are multiple versions of the patch frequently finding them and cross referencing the changes can be painful.
You need look no further than the versionX->versionX+1 logs some of the kernel developers do to understand the problem. From one patch set to another the conversation around a piece of code gets lost, so much so that for long running patch series people will frequently show up and make the same request someone earlier in the series made because they missed the 20 emails talking about the pros/cons of doing something a certain way 6 months earlier.
There are 7 or 8 independently operated mirrors of the linux kernel mailing list archives. On top of that, thousands of people have local spools of the list that could be used to rebuild it in the event of catastrophic failure.
A lot of email-based projects use tools like Patchwork ( to provide a web interface to patches. I agree that it's still a really suboptimal experience compared to e.g. GitHub.
(disclosure: I'm an occasional Patchwork developer)
I seem to be in the minority of HN users that actually like Gmail and strongly dislike things like mutt or pine.
Nothing else syncs to my phone in a manner that "just works" and doesn't require excessive fiddling, or using k9mail which appears to quite simply not work at all.
So with that said, how does a person use git via email with the Gmail ui?
I have the fixed width font, but how do you deal with the 78 columns limit? I guess you can have GMail auto-break it for you as it does when sending as text, but I think that ends up looking horrible over manually selected break points. But I'm really lacking some vertical bar to hint me where the limit is.
I have my gmail signature set to an ascii art 'ruler', so I know where column 75/80 are while I'm writing, and then I delete it when I'm done (and I do manual line breaks and if necessary manual rewrap of paragraphs)... Clunky but it works.
> Nothing else syncs to my phone in a manner that "just works" and doesn't require excessive fiddling, or using k9mail which appears to quite simply not work at all.
Before I switched to iOS devices, I used k9mail as I was looking for an email client that did "push" IMAP as I've self-hosted forever and a day. From that experience I'd say that k9mail is more a symptom of the Android ecosystem than an indication that Gmail is just that good. k9 worked for me, but was finnicky if I remember.
On iOS IMAP is very much a second-class citizen. But... with the stock mail client IMAP has been more reliable than Exchange.
> So with that said, how does a person use git via email with the Gmail ui?
Unsure, but if you can you can definitely use Gmail with other clients (for the time being).
I have several non-gmail email addresses and I tried to use k9mail for all of them but eventually just gave up because I'd get that 'sync disabled' error and find out I'd missed out on a week's worth of messages.
You can still use the Gmail interface on your phone, of course. You don't have to choose between one or the other but use the tools interchangably with the same Gmail account.
Generate an app-specific token in Gmail and use it to configure git for sending mail. For receiving and commenting on patches, you might be able beat the Gmail interface into submission but it's not going to be convenient, if only for the browser restrictions on calling external commands (like git). Maybe with a browser extension.
In any case, you can use a real mail client in parallel to Gmail (the UI) and use whatever is the most suitable tool for the task at hand.
If you send patches directly to the maintainer (rather than to a dedicated mailing list), you should put the project name in the subject, so that the maintainer doesn't have to guess which project this is about:
A simple wrapper script or alias around git-send-email could help you out here. The config option has the same effect as passing `--subject-prefix="..."`
> It works well for > 15 million lines of code, thousands of developers: paid and unpaid, professional and amateurs alike. So it can benefit your projects as well.
While I like git in general, this particular argument's logic is completely backwards. If something works well for 15 million lines of code and thousands of developers, then most likely it will be a gigantic overkill for your small project with a team of four, and overhead that goes unnoticed at Linux's scale will be crushing for you.
At least, that's what I would think if I didn't know git first-hand. The fact that git turned out to be useful for small project is very atypical for a solution born out of needs of a huge one.
> Popular email clients have caused terrible ideas like HTML email to proliferate
Regardless of whether it was a good idea or not, this ship sailed many years ago. In the 21st century, email is rendered in HTML, and nobody but a few engineers would even contemplate taking away the ability to render links, formatting and images in email.
Personally, I would argue that email is on its way out. Personal communications have largely transitioned to things like SMS, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, iMessage, Twitter, etc. Transactional email notices are increasingly being supplanted by mobile push notifications. Businesses are making heavy use of hybrid push-pull channel systems like Slack.
IMO, the decentralized, federated nature of email was its downfall. It became a cesspool of spams, scams and unwanted notices. The research I've seen strongly suggests that it only takes a small amount of unwanted noise messages for people to go longer between reading email and reduce the amount of email they send.
Of course these are problems that can be solved, but my prediction is that they will be solved by email's successors. Of course, technology predictions are hardly worth the bandwidth that delivers them, but that doesn't stop people from making them. ;-)
>Regardless of whether it was a good idea or not, this ship sailed many years ago. In the 21st century, email is rendered in HTML, and nobody but a few engineers would even contemplate taking away the ability to render links, formatting and images in email.
git is a tool for engineers. I could reiterate this comment for most of your points. We're not here to debate plaintext email for end-users, we're engineers talking about engineering tools.
I have collaborators who are not necessarily engineers .. we’ve made it easy for them to use git, we really don’t need to be outcasting then because they aren’t an “engineer”.
I think you may be right about the downfall of personal emails, but email still has a strong place in business. I still find it the best way to have a long discussion with thoughtful responses, especially if it's tied to a newsgroup system (a la Google Groups and it's email gateway). It's still far superior to Slack et al for that kind of thing.
Also, incidentally to your point, it's a lot easier to control spam within a company email system. As a broad brush, you can just set your client to automatically relegate any email from outside your organization to another folder.
Tl;DR? My problem with code review over email is that keeping track of all commentary and metadata is difficult when reviewing over email. This seems like a solvable problem with a text format for interleaving source and commentary that is suitable for post-processing, particularly one that makes merging commentary easy, and preferably too that makes changing commentary metadata (e.g., comment accepted/deferred/rejected/addressed status) possible while retaining the ability to merge commentary.
This might work for slow moving teams with a few contributors, but I can't imagine using this in the way I've seen github used on projects with many contributors... Email just doesn't scale as well
> Using email for git scales extremely well. The canonical project, of course, is the Linux kernel. A change is made to the Linux kernel an average of 7 times per hour, constantly.
Tell that to any big team in a big company or even a medium-sized company using a monorepo. The Linux project has a very high bar for entry and it's not an example of a busy repo.
Linux upstream gets 7 commits per hour, but the Linux project is divided into subsystems which are run like independent projects that periodically push their work upstream. The volume of activity that Linux receives is very high.
Can you back up your statements with evidence? I have no reason to believe that email wouldn't work in a large monorepo-like setting. The less-than-10-in-total companies which have crazy Google-tier monorepos may run into issues with this (honestly, though, I doubt it), but they are not the norm.
Having to sort through messages individually, not being able to browse code, no convenient links, no formatting, no branch visualizations, release notes being easily accessible, having to set up a bunch of fragile text based filters. It's just obviously a worse choice
> having to set up a bunch of fragile text based filters.
I see arguments like yours about email and git a lot. Why do you think people disagree with you? You have to pay attention to what you are really saying. You are not listing advantages of web-based git interfaces. You are listing "disadvantages" of existing tools. And all of the "disadvantages" you list are really areas where you do not understand how to use Unix programming tools effectively. Getting off of webmail and onto a good text-based email client is one of the best things you can do as a computer user.
Or rather --- the age of text-based email clients has really come and gone. The world has moved on. Web or GUI based PRs are accessible to all developers of many different levels and experiences, that is why they have (and will continue to) be the winners.
Once again, an opinion from someone who does not know how to use the tools effectively. The world has moved on, and left web-based email clients behind. If you haven't checked out what modern text-based email clients and IMAP syncing tools can do, you are really missing out. I switched from Gnus to Gmail in 2006, and switched from Gmail to mu4e/offlineimap last year. The comparison is not even close; mu4e/offlineimap is an overwhelmingly superior solution.
Negative. An opinion from someone who finds the value in GUIs despite knowing about the alternatives. Use what makes you productive, but for MOST people, that is going to be a well done GUI over a text based solution. For me, I don't want to spend time configuring or fixing my email solution, I just want to login, get/read/reply to my email, and move on to real work. Don't confuse your opinion with what is "best" or "most effective" for most people, even developers and those ultra-familiar with the terminal.
> Don't confuse your opinion with what is "best" or "most effective" for most people, even developers and those ultra-familiar with the terminal.
I am not stating an opinion. I am making a judgement. I can do that because I have the requisite knowledge and experience. You do not - as you yourself stated, you "don't want to spend time configuring or fixing [your] email solution." (another tell-tale sign is referring to "the terminal.") Stop trying to make virtue out of your choice to be ignorant. Stating that most people will prefer GUIs is not an argument for anything ("X is popular" is never a good argument for anything) - most people have not had any exposure to alternatives like text-based tools and therefore cannot have any meaningful or informed opinion on the matter, which you pretend to do. Your choice to be ignorant of something does not entitle you to make judgement calls about the things you are ignorant about. You can say "X is difficult to learn/do" (true), but when you argue that "X is an inferior tool" with someone that has some expertise in the subject and in X, you just come across as a fool.
Fyi: you come across as condescending and elitist. Not sure if that is what you are aiming for, but I don't think that's the best way to convince someone of your opinions.
I don't think the intent is to do code review from email. The idea would be to send the merge request through email, which is then imported into your local git as a branch. Then you're able to do review/analysis/etc with whichever git tooling you prefer.
You can still use a bug tracker with an email-based workflow. Many GNU projects use, which helps to keep track of patches that have been sent to the mailing list.
I can see how it would be inconvenient for people who use an inflexible email client or editor, though. (I'm trying to make this workflow a little less intimidating for Guix by working on a more convenient web interface on top of debbugs.)
I guess the question would be, what compelling reason would there be to do so? To me, the article's advantages are kinda meh, and I much prefer the tools provided in code review packages.
You may be right, but this comment breaks the site guidelines by being uncivil and unsubstantive. That's not a good way to be right on HN. Better is to politely provide necessary corrective information, so then the rest of us can learn something.
> A very large body of email-related software exists and is equally reliable and well-understood. You can interact with email using only open source software and customize your workflow at every level of the stack - filtering, organizing, forwarding, replying, and so on; in any manner you choose.
Using email software in general is well-understood, but using it for Git is much harder than using GitHub. Customizing the workflow is also something you probably shouldn't want to do unless you're really working with a massive project such as the Linux kernel.