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GDPR requires you to “prove” you gained consent by creating a server-side timestamped log of the option each user chooses.

But you cannot see my comment because I was hellbanned, so enjoy wondering.

The user is only given one option here, to accept tracking - the website isn’t even trying to be GDPR compliant, apparently they do not foresee having any EU visitors and so have no need to be. As a result, I’m not reading the damn thing.

Or a US company isn't going to comply with EU laws because they have no reason to.

If you make money off E.U. citizens, you should comply with E.U. laws. Simple as that. If you don’t want to comply with the laws of a country, do not make money off people there.

I can see your comment, so maybe you aren't hellbanned any more.

Users can vouch for dead comments which "reanimates" them. That may have been done in this case.

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