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I'm unsure what it is exactly Tesla's doing that's supposed to be such an earth-shattering heart-breaking staggering-ten-quintillion-Einsteins-level genius unprecedented changes-the-course-of-history-forever thing.

As far as I can tell, the thing they are struggling to do is... build and run a car factory.

And this runs through everything Musk does. His more successful ventures like SpaceX have basically consisted of taking something where someone else already did all the expensive fundamental R&D, doing some iterative improvement on it, and promising to use economies of scale to bring down the price. Except, because it's Musk, it's buried under a Mount Everest of breathless superlatives praising him for doing it.

Dude's trying to build a car factory to churn out cars that are incremental improvements on the prior state of the art. A rolled-up combination of Galileo, Copernicus and Newton he ain't. Maybe he'll succeed at it and make some money. Maybe he'll get his lunch eaten by people who know more about (and don't disdainfully sneer at existing knowledge of) building and running car factories. I have a hard time caring, but HN seems to worship the ground he walks on, and I simply don't understand why.

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