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[flagged] A Parlor Game at Rebekah Mercer’s Has No Get Out of Jail Free Card (newyorker.com)
25 points by robbiet480 on June 25, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

I tried to find out more about this game but evidently it is a private game rather than something one can acquire. I wonder if some player leaked a photo of the "rules of play" or whatever. It almost reads like it could be satire but perhaps there are cabals of game developers catering to the whims of the ultra-rich. Just interesting to see how games can be used by those in power not to pretend to have power when they have none but to enjoy gaming out ways to wield it.

"those in power not to pretend to have power when they have none"

That doesn't describe the Mercers at all (billionaires who arguably played a large role in 2016 US election results, Brexit by being primary backers of Cambridge Analytica and Breitbart).

edit: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20180626/11162540111/i-hel..., via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17404582

Would buy!

I can't tell if this is parody or not. Does anyone with more familiarity with the New Yorker's regular features know?

It seems insane they would be arrogant and indiscreet enough to have this produced.

Usually Andy Borowitz is their satirist, and those articles are clearly marked as satire. https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report

That title is awful. It's a game that isn't Monopoly, so of course it doesn't have a get out of jail free card?

As it turns out, that's not the original title anyway. "This article appears in the print edition of the July 2, 2018, issue, with the headline “Rules of Play.”"

The game even features YC!

I guess “House of Cards” was taken... there’s no get out of jail free because they are too big to jail. And even if, there’s a presidential pardon.

So, a mix of Diplomacy, Coup, Twilight Struggle, Secret Hitler, Twilight Imperium, and arrogance.

Edit: In lieu of above, it sounds like a reskinned copy of Steve Jackson's Illuminati.

What a weird story. So Mercer plays some home-brewed game based on politics. Who cares?

I care, it's useful to gain insights into the lives of the extremely powerful and politically inclined and see where their thoughts are going; for example seeing that "predictive policing" is a theme they felt important enough to include in their politics larping is something I found interesting.

I'd love to get a copy of this game. Google turned up nothing.

sounds like a fun roleplay, a bit contrived although I could see myself doing the same thing

you'd be surprised about what kind of art people commission in private


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