I suddenly feel like I'm back in the Bush administration. Can we get our permanent code orange alerts back?
The biggest threats to nuclear peace at the moment are India/Pakistan, Israel, the United States, and Russia. I'd like to emphasize that the US is the biggest threat to world peace of all of the above, though a general nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India isn't implausible.
Don't let the media distract you from the real story. It is the ambitions of nation states and their imperial capitalist backers that are the threat to civilized life on Earth.
The biggest threats to nuclear peace at the moment are India/Pakistan, Israel, the United States, and Russia. I'd like to emphasize that the US is the biggest threat to world peace of all of the above, though a general nuclear exchange between Pakistan and India isn't implausible.
Don't let the media distract you from the real story. It is the ambitions of nation states and their imperial capitalist backers that are the threat to civilized life on Earth.
You can watch Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsburg discuss the prospect of Nuclear War here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imXAiv53_o8