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Nonsense, you can learn it in your spare time bit by bit, the trick is really to take it in small pieces. If you want something for scripting aka fast startup time, then look no further than Clojurescript. There are two standalone Clojurescript environments that you can use to run clojure scripts. [1] Lumo and [2] Planck. For Clojure compiler that spits binaries there is [3] Ferret, but I haven't tried it yet, so I don't know how much of Clojue is implemented.

[1] https://github.com/anmonteiro/lumo [2] https://github.com/planck-repl/planck [3] https://github.com/nakkaya/ferret

It's not a question of "can I learn it in my spare time", but "is it worth devoting a considerable amount of my free time to learning it" and I'm far from convinced that it is. Maybe I'll pick up bits of lisp here and there and the learning curve will seem small, but in the meanwhile I'm not convinced enough to pursue it intentionally.

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