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because we are not cheap and are ok with paying for a service.

How cheap should it be. There will be no service that people will pay for if they pirate content. The service they want is a service where they dont have to pay.

If you are pirating you are not a customer. Any business man should not be concerned with trying to gain your market, its not profitable.

Steam, iTunes, and Spotify have almost completely killed off pirating for games and music. It's still possible but people would rather pay for those services because the services actually add a value over the actual data which is post scarcity.

TV and the film industry have decided they'll make more money by making a worse product and doing everything they can to prevent users from finding alternatives

I'm not quite sure about this, but aren't the products you have mentioned also have the same problem as Netflix. Spotify is able to provide lots of music options, but for how long? They are being effectively strangled by music labels and competitors, which will eventually lead to a content fragmentation between music streaming services. Then people will turn back to pirating music just as fast and they have for video. I'm not sure about steam , but I'm sure that eventually the gaming industry will face the same problem, it's only a matter of time.

Yes, if their products value F(steam) < F(free) then of course people will pirate. Why would you expect consumers to pay for a product that is inferior to something that was left untouched? Why should a firm exist when they supply negative value to their consumers? It would be the same situation as it was 10 years ago in the heyday of pirating and companies should expect to lose out on income, in this case the music labels

If this was a natural state of affairs there might be considerations about morals, but the current rules and laws came about through direct intervention by these same companies

> If you are pirating you are not a customer. Any business man should not be concerned with trying to gain your market, its not profitable.

A poor businessman. A good businessman sees the black market and determines if they can provide a similar service in the white market. Clearly there are consumers and they want something that they aren't getting already.

And in this case, things like popcorn time have a great interface and are easier than most streaming services.

People want to see new movies in their homes (and I always laugh at the "no movie should be reduced to this shrinks from theater screen to computer screen, because clearly people like it that way).

And people want to see population and good movies at the top of their lists, not problem garbage. There's a lot of people that complain about even Netflix because of this. Their recommendation engine isn't what it used to be.

There's a lot more reasons too. People pirate for many more reasons than because it's free, though that definitely is a big component. But people seem to be ignoring these other reasons.

There's a market, or two, here that aren't being served. A good businessman would serve them.

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