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Please don't destroy the back button... i had to click it 60 times to get back here...

This is someone's presentation deck. Can't he do what he needs to to have a smooth presentation?

Yep, hijacking the back button is rarely useful if ever. I would never think to click back to go one slide back.

I disagree, I think it makes sense. It makes it possible to link to a specific slide.

You can use replaceState[0] to update the URL without adding a new history entry.

[0]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/History_API...

True, forgot about that. Yeah that would’ve been preferable.

Long-press/click on the back button for a list of URL in your recent history.

This, for me, only gives me about 10 results.

> Please don't destroy the back button... i had to click it 60 times to get back here...

After the third or fourth click, did it cross your mind to type in "news.ycombinator.com" instead? Or did you just want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes? :)

For people don’t know: Press and hold back button on iOS safari helps in such circumstances.

Except it has a limit on the number of backs it shows. In this case I had gotten to the end, And hacker news was too far back.

Long pressing on android chrome does nothing. Maybe just my samsung...

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