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Just don't pay. It is shocking that people feel compelled to repay crooked loans issued by crooked banks run by people who are just playing a game of who can steal the most.

If you don't pay, it destroys your credit rating, which in many areas means you won't be able to rent a place to live from anything but a private party. I believe they could also potentially get an injunction against you and garnish your wages, but I'm not certain about that. Your college also may withhold your transcript, which can impact some employers who require that.

Lots of ways they can make your life just as miserable for not paying.

True. There are always consequences. But if you refuse to pay then you learn how to survive all of the threats you mention which is worth the cost. The point is that the vast majority of debts are legally invalid and unenforceable. They are just a con. Whether you chose to be a mark or not is up to you.

You’re being downvoted for what I suspect is a combination of moral disagreement and disagreement that one can practically do this without dire consequence.

But, this is an interesting thought exercise. I read some of these stories, and think to myself that living overseas for the rest of my life doesn’t sound too bad comparatively. I could even imagine a country seeking skilled immigrants might even pitch a citizenship path for people looking to start over.

That doesn’t work when they’re government backed loans. It doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong, the government is the one with the guns and they’re going to make you pay one way or the other.

The absurdity of the comment (which is being rightfully down-voted) is astounding. What's shocking is the complete lack of personal responsibility on display.

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