I think it's interesting that much like on the global trends on Google [1], Alexa surfaces that Vue seems to have some traction in China:
Country Percent of Visitors Rank in Country
China 59.1% 631
United States 8.7% 7,245
Japan 3.7% 6,109
Iran 2.8% 2,373
India 2.2% 8,422
Country Percent of Visitors Rank in Country
United States 33.3% 3,312
China 9.8% 6,694
India 8.5% 4,016
Japan 4.9% 7,585
Iran 3.6% 2,632
The top Sites linking into React (according to those Alexa links):
upenn.edu (US) hateblo.jp (Japan) facebook.github.io (US) yiibai.com (China) infoq.com (China)
And to Vue:
sina.com.cn (China) csdn.net (China) wikia.com (US) cnblogs.com (China) blog.jp (Japan)
[1]: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&q=...