It really depends on where you work but waiters make pretty decent money (for a 20 something) - and its all cash. You get payed minimum wage in CA but that just about covers the amount you need to pay in taxes. I'd work about 25 hours a week and get about $20 in a paycheck every 2 weeks. You really end up not paying much in taxes (I'd guess closer to 15% then the 30-40% you'd end up paying salaried) so the money you make goes further. I worked at Bucks in Woodside CA, which is actually a bit notorious with the Sand Hill VC crowd. If you needed to you could make rent in a weekend by picking up extra shifts. Then the rest is cash. I mainly worked nights and could pick up some other work during the day if I needed to. When I wanted to travel I'd slam out about 2 months of serious work and do fine for a few weeks of travel. You also get to know people in the industry so I could take time off and pretty easily find a job when I got back.
I definitely made more money waiting tables 25 hours a week then my first two 40hr positions salaried.
I definitely made more money waiting tables 25 hours a week then my first two 40hr positions salaried.
But hey consulting would be a good way to go too.