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It appears that the only result in Google for gold settlement foundation is your post (and i suspect mine as well now). Could you tell me what that is?

Whoops, fixed that - "Global Settlement Foundation". By which I was trying to reference all the digital gold currencies (not that I think they're necessarily the way forward, but they're attempts)


Responding to endtime:

Capitalism was a product of earlier ("classical") liberalism, but has not been fully absorbed into society. A modern capitalist should be against bank bailouts, currency monopolies, and high taxes. These views undermine established institutions and seek to distribute power, and are therefore liberal.

Technology isn't political (by doing instead of talking), but can still be liberal or conservative. DRM, paypal data mining, and national firewalls all seek to slow change and preserve established institutions, which is the fundamental tenet of conservatism.

The technology of web 2.0 is conservative in that it's the old thin-client model. Rather than your computer being your agent, it merely acts as a terminal into a monolithic system run by an institution that you're required to trust completely.

(case in point of having to edit this unrelated comment to post my already-written reply. I trust HN to kill stories to remove them from the front page, but I've no choice but to also allow it/them to prevent an already-established interaction between us.)

remember e-gold? that ended in tears for all involved. Hell, I've still got approx USD$200 in e-gold I can't get to.

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