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VPNFilter Update – VPNFilter exploits endpoints, targets new devices (talosintelligence.com)
8 points by ccnafr on June 6, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

The inclusion of ASUS and D-Link adds a ton here. It looks like their lower-end models have made it on the list, likely due to volume, but I would assume the higher end models are probably similarly vulnerable, since the firmware between them is usually pretty common/parallel. The added Netgear devices are among some of the most common devices I've seen in homes as well.

Possibly worth noting Talos is owned by Cisco, and there has been discussion around their neutrality in disclosing vulnerabilities: https://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/archives/801-Th...

I'm curious to see if Belkin devices are affected. I have not seen the brand mentioned in articles/news about VPNFilter, but I find it odd that almost every other popular router band has at least some affected models but Belkin somehow escaped the same fate?

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