Ditched Facebook on the phone ages ago and I had exactly the same experience. I now check FB from time to time on my desktop. Twitter might be up next but for some reason I don't find it nearly as addicting as I found Facebook.
The other big lifestyle change was trying to change how I engage in internet comments. I had a knee-jerk failure today but mostly I'm trying to be less breathless and cynical when I post online. Keeps me from spending all day rage-returning to some stupid flamewar that I either started or perpetuated.
> The other big lifestyle change was trying to change how I engage in internet comments.
When I find the urge to reply to some idiotic notion on the internet, I always think back to that XKCD comic (https://www.xkcd.com/386/) and tell my self I don't want to be that guy.
Ha ha that's a great XKCD- in fact I quote it to my wife when she wants me to do something and I can't quite yet because I have to set somebody straight....
The other big lifestyle change was trying to change how I engage in internet comments. I had a knee-jerk failure today but mostly I'm trying to be less breathless and cynical when I post online. Keeps me from spending all day rage-returning to some stupid flamewar that I either started or perpetuated.