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Rust has Mozilla.

Support from a big corp is one way to get things like IDE support ironed out, as they can throw extra resources at it.

The IDE support has come from various places including Jetbrains.

Lots of people use RLS, and AFAIK that's created by folks working at mozilla, though no doubt now it's mostly a community effort.

IDE support came from the community as an intellij addon, which jetbrains then officially sponsored. But they didn't decide to throw their own resources at making such a thing from scratch.

Jetbrains has sponsored an alternative to the RLS, Rust Language Server.

The RLS is used in VSCode, I think Atom, I’ve seen a port for Emacs, and I think Sublime.

The community effort is behind the RLS, the Jetbrains plugin for IntelliJ doesn’t use any of the Rust compiler, as far as I’m aware, but it does have a lot of fans, so they’re doing something right.

As a Java fan of IntelliJ, I still prefer the RLS+VSCode, but it’s great seeing all the IDEs being developed for Rust!

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