Your start is good but you add complexity on top of it. Install Golang on your VPS, clone the source code on it and compile it there instead of messing with cross compilation.
Also use sqlite to avoid the pain of setting up a SQL server, there is no need for it.
You can then easily get systemd to supervise your binary.
This is how I host all my web apps, the main difference is that I don't use Go but Nim. If you want a great framework match up then check out Jester + Karax, see how I developed the Nim Forum using this combination.
And what about zero downtime deploy (upgrading the app binary and updating the database schema)? It's difficult to do without some kind of reverse proxy and without a database server.
How often is that really required? OP asked for a quick deploy, for most apps it's enough to put the db into read-only mode and then update the schema. Upgrading the app binary is as simple as replacing it on the file system and then restarting the service.
The more often we deploy with CI/CD, the more we need zero downtime deploy. Putting the DB in read-only mode is not that simple, because the app needs to be able to work in a degraded read-only mode.
Yeah DB migrations are a pain in the bum. I do them manually because I still haven't found a tool that handles them properly.
But by the time there's significant data to migrate to the new schema, any schema change is usually due to a major version change or feature implementation, and the migration is part of a wider pain-in-the-bum situation.
Also use sqlite to avoid the pain of setting up a SQL server, there is no need for it.
You can then easily get systemd to supervise your binary.
This is how I host all my web apps, the main difference is that I don't use Go but Nim. If you want a great framework match up then check out Jester + Karax, see how I developed the Nim Forum using this combination.